Monday, February 12, 2007


In this first picture, I focused on the front leaf. It's still a bit out of focus, but I'm excited about how well it turned out.
In this second photo, I focused on the back leaves. I like how the front is blurry, the middle is in focus, and the background is out of focus.


Anonymous said...

Cool pics!!! I especially like the Oreo. :)

Charlotta-love said...

Way nice shots. Is this the type of camera pioneer woman uses? It's pretty sweet!

Jason said...

How long did the Oreo live after the picture was taken?

the MILKY way (Chrissy) said...

The Oreo is actually a couple months old... It's been in a baggie on the counter just waiting for me to take its picture.

Kelly said...

So, when you gonna come take pics of me and my Buddah Belly? You better hurry!!!!!