Yes, I know it has been a very long time since I last updated. Forgive me, but I have an excuse! Puh.
So, some things about us that have happened since March:
Emily turned FOUR!!! I can't believe it! Wasn't she just a baby? Wasn't it just yesterday that it was going to be for.evv.errr before I had to think about putting her in school? Goodness, time flies when you get old.

She will be starting a part-time preschool in a couple of weeks. We are so excited! We bought her an insulated lunch bag for her to take her lunch to school in. She is WAY excited about that. She immediately packed her lunch in it, and then took her lunch out and ate it. Hmmm, why didn't I buy one of those sooner?
Something else that changed for us is Emily was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in late April. She'd been thirsty and going pee a lot (A LOT) and always, always hungry. I thought this might have been a phase she was going through, and even asked other moms of kids her age if this was something that they were experiencing with their kids. But in the back of my mind, I was thinking "This may be diabetes." I didn't want to think this. My dad has Type 1 Diabetes, and that's the reason I was thinking about it, because I remember him telling me that he was very thirsty and had to go to the bathroom a lot.

I asked a friend of mine, whose little girl that is Emily age has diabetes, and she said, "Take her in to see the doctor!" Not what I wanted to hear. I was so afraid that they'd tell me it was diabetes. And that's exactly what the doctor told me. We had to go straight to the hospital for Emily to be checked in, and we were told to expect to stay there for four days.
We were there for three days, learning about diabetes, getting her blood sugar under control, and adjusting to this new lifestyle that was to become NORMAL for us. It was a whirlwind of information, emotions, all things sharp (needles, fingersticks...)!
But, at this point, we're adjusting, Emily is cooperating with most of this, but we are still struggling with keeping her blood sugar within normal limits. It's a daily struggle, and most days she's too high. We cheer at the normal numbers! And when she's low, Emily cheers because then she gets a snack. *sigh*
Avery is doing great! She talks a lot! She doesn't say much that we understand, but we pretend, and you can tell it makes her feel good that we respond to what she's saying. And if you don't respond, boy, lookout! She will get in your face and yell until you "understand" what she's saying. When she wants a drink, she'll drop her sippy cup in our lap and say, "Please?" How can anyone resist and small child saying, AND signing, "Please?" It melts my heart. She can have whatever she wants!

She going through this stage where she likes to put her hands in her poopy diaper to--I guess--feel her poop. She ends up with poop on her hands, shirt, shorts, floor, wall, toys, and ME pretty much every day. I hate it. I try to put a onesie on her (she's too long in the torso for onesies anymore) and pants, but she always finds a way to get in there. It's gross! She'll come to me with poo on her hands and she'll open and close her hands and say, "Guck!" It's gross.

Avery really knows how to push her sister's buttons. Whatever Emily is playing with, Avery will find any opportunity to take the toy and RUN! She'll run away and giggle and squeal, and of course, Emily will run after her yelling and screaming and tackling. It's kind of fun to watch. Sometimes there are tears, and sometimes they end up in a pile of giggles.
I want to try to do better in keeping up with this blog. I hope I can, so everyone can see what's going on at our house!
1 comment:
Hugs, I so often think about you and your girls. Glad to see a bit of a update from you.
It is cute when they sign and talk, we are still at signing but even a please like that with a look on the face is just too cute to refueese.
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