This was a fast-moving storm. The clouds looked scary, but they were moving in one direction, so I wasn't that scared. It dumped a good amount of rain on us, but then the sun peeked out later on.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Yesterday's Severe Thunderstorm Warning
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Uck, yuck, icky, blaaaah! I didn't want to look at these photos ever again, but I've had a couple people ask to see them.
We saw these at Turner Falls in the rundown castle house. Gross. I've got to stop typing now. I've got the heebie-jeebies.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
"Nothing quite like not having your shoes on when you discover why the grass is actually greener."
Congrats, Anonymous! You get a big ol' picture of my foot. Lucky dog.
Sooo, "Anonymous". Who are you? Are you a stalker? I've never had one of those before. I hope you're a nice stalker. Are you a lurker? Did I make you de-lurk? Are you shy? Don't be shy. We're nice here.
I can't send you your super prize if I don't know who you are.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Beautiful Skies
I couldn't take pictures fast enough this evening. The skies were beautiful and they changed so fast!
We Need to Mow
I almost got lost in the lawn yesterday! Well, not really. Too bad Rob didn't get pictures of me getting this shot. I was sprawled out all over the place! And I got really itchy.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
CLOUDS... God's Way of Telling You to Get Your Butt Inside, He's About to Throw Hail at You.
I couldn't get the software program to cooperate with me this evening, so I'll get it calendar-ready this week. Since you all were expecting a prize, I'll print the calendar page out for you to put in a frame. Sound good, Michael? Would you hang it in your house? If not, I'll hang it at my house for you. I'm nice like that.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Demotivate This
This was taken in early April during a thunderstorm warning in our area. I took the opportunity to capture a terrific photo of the edge of the storm.
Have fun demotivating this beautiful photo.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
I would love to take full credit for this picture. I can't. I didn't take the picture. I mean, obviously, I'm in the picture. But I could have put the camera on a tripod and set the timer. I didn't. Rob took this picture! BUT, I fixed the settings on the camera so it would turn out like this. And I told him where to stand. So it was a team effort! Cool, huh?
I took this one. I think it's sweet. Daddy and daughter. Family. Love. It warms my heart.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Grandma's Church
Grandma Hayes would take us to church with her every Sunday morning and evening while we visited in the summer. They didn't have a piano in her church, so we sang without accompaniment. This always bothered me. I need a tune to sing to. Grandma had no troubles singing to no music. She sang songs all the time around the house. Maybe she was singing to the music in her head...
Sometimes when we'd go, we'd sit with Grandma Farmer. She'd get after us for staring at the clock. All we wanted was for time to go by faster, but she thought it wasn't polite to stare.
I remember watching the sacrament being passed. I SO wanted some of that grape juice. And just a pinch of the cracker. Oh well, it's just as well I didn't partake since I wasn't in the right frame of mind.
On Sunday evenings, after the sermon, we'd gather in the baseball field and play softball. This was the only reason I was eager to go to church on Sunday evenings. I loved to play. I had this awesome mitt that was way to big for me, but it was perfect for playing short stop. I could snag a line drive with that mitt like a professional player! Or at least a tall player. It was great; my teammates would cheer, "Great job, son!" Whatever. It was awesome.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
The Pink Flamingo
This is the hotel where my parents spent their wedding night. Ritzy, eh? Still standing. Hard to believe, since it's been over forty years! So, which photo do you like better?
Fifties pink? Black and white?
Or sepia?